Monday, March 22, 2010

The Trenches

Why does a person have to declare themselves one thing or another? "What do you do for a living?" Well, if you mean, 'how do I earn money?', I don't. My husband does. Uh-oh. I can see the Respect Meter just dropped a point. But, you recover quickly and ask another question out of social correctness; "Oh. A stay-at-home-mom! How wonderful! Do you enjoy it?" Are you kidding me? I'm supposed to say yes. Right? If I say no, it implies that I don't like my kids or my life...that I'm bitter and resent my children for taking away my dreams...bla bla bla.

Well, let's see. At any given moment, I may be cleaning poop off the floor; scraping peanut butter out of the carpet; breaking up a fight; pouring juice; wiping a bottom; cleaning clutter; washing clothes; ridding the house of some mystery-smell; answering questions such as, "but, why can't I have a baby sister?", "why can't we have hot dogs for breakfast?" "why did YOU get to have a piece of chocolate?"; always having company in the bathroom; finding all lost toys; entertaining a crowd while showering; and having to lock myself in the closet to enjoy a two-minute phone conversation. Do I enjoy it?

And let's just discuss this charming phrase "stay-at-home-mom". Who stays at home? Are you a stay-at-the-office-employee? Probably. You probably sit at your desk until time to come home. Let me explain something about the "stay-at-home-mom". We don't. Time to go to school! Time to go buy groceries! Time to go to the library! Time for your doctor's appointment! Time to take you to your friend's house! Time for ball practice! Time for the park! Time to pick up your sister from school! Time for this! Time for that! WHEN DO I STAY HOME?! Do I enjoy it?

And that's the day time. Here's a newsflash...I don't clock out at 5:00. Supper. Homework. Baths. Bedtime stories. Bedtime. Bedtime again. STAY IN BED! Middle-of-the-night adventures...fevers, vomit, nightmares, accidents, tummy-aches, ear infections...Morning time again! Wake up and make breakfast! Do I enjoy it?

Does a soldier enjoy all night in the trenches under heavy fire knowing that any minute may be his last? Probably not. But he believes in what he's fighting for. He sees the big picture and is passionate about results. Me too. This world is big and ominous for little ones. There are obstacles they can't imagine just waiting for them. I see the big picture and I'm passionate about doing all I can to prepare them. Learn these Bible verses so that you are armed! Learn the ABC's so that you are academically prepared! Learn these table manners so that you are socially acceptable! Learn morals! Learn ethics! Learn basics! Learn that you are loved more than life and that this home is ALWAYS yours! UNCONDITIONALLY!!! Do I enjoy it?...Sometimes I don't enjoy the minutes...but I absolutely love the job! It is the greatest honor in the world. There are no promotions in this position...I'm already at the highest possible level.

Be proud of yourselves, Mommies! You're in the trenches and you're doing great!

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