Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Field

My last post was about the wonders of the "Stay-At-Home-Mom". Not this one. Let's talk about those "Working-Moms"! Moms who work outside the home get a bad wrap. They are given superior looks by moms who do not work. They are assumed absent by their kids' teachers. They are labeled in such a fashion as to say, "you don't think enough of your family to stay at home and give your kids the attention they need!"

Good grief. Let's just take a close look at what these moms do. They get up extra early so they can get their kids ready for school and out the door. They work hard all day long in an environment created for men and push thoughts like, "Does my daughter still have that tummy ache? Is she nervous about her test? Did my son take that rock to school after I told him not to? What in the world am I going to make for supper?", out of their minds in order to prove to their boss they are worthy of that paycheck. They NEED that paycheck in order to pay for the kids' soccer, girlscouts, designer backpacks, fieldtrips, camp, piano lessons, etc... She's working FOR her kids.

Then, she must come home. She is tired and often frustrated... but she must muster the energy to listen to all the drama of her daughter's day, force her kids to stay on task with their homework, make supper, straighten the house, make sure all the necessities are washed, and have energy for her husband as well.

The "working mom" deserves a medal. She is in the field...she is dodging landmines, packing ammo, and praying every minute that her kids are okay. She is doing it BECAUSE she loves her children. Next time you want to judge a woman for dropping her sweeties off at the daycare, try mentally spending a day in her high-heeled shoes. You'll need a foot massage by bedtime!

Punch that clock, "Working Moms". Don't give up. Hug your babies and sing to them in their sleep...they know you love them and they will thank you for the sacrifices you've made for them!!

1 comment:

  1. You're making me cry. I had to "AMEN" everything you said about stay-at-home moms because I lived that life for so long. Now that I'm on the other side of the fence, I know there really isn't a fence at all.

    We're all just doing what we can for our families each day. We're all tired. We all have jobs that never end and children who cause us to worry. We have husbands who don't really get it because -- hello!-- they're not women.

    It's time for the mommy wars to be over and for us all support each other no matter what our circumstances are. Thank you for publicly taking a step in the peace process.

    I love you, my friend!
